
You've arrived at this website more than likely as someone mentioned  "F3" while you were out and about living your life. It may have been while you were walking the dog, grocery shopping, in line at the local DMV or perhaps it was by a co-worker.  Truth be told, it doesn't really matter how you got here, it's the fact that you are here now. 

As that interaction in public may have been hasty, this site was created as an easy to share URL versus having you recall a specific regions website that made no sense to you in that moment. 

With that said, below you can read what the mission of F3 is along with some basic FAQs and lastly with a few links and resources.

That's it.

We look forward to SYITG! 

The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.


"Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're done." -David Goggins

“Man is what he believes.” -Anton Chekhov

To have become a deeper man is the privilege of those who have suffered.” -Oscar Wilde

We leave no man behind, and we leave no man where we found them. Aye?” -F3 Core Principle

To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter.” — Euripides

“Children are a poor man’s riches.”  -English proverb


Below are a few links to things you might find of interest.  Starting with the F3 Nation website, you'll also find some books & products that many of the guys have found useful upon joining F3.


Below are a few links to things you might find of interest.  Starting with the F3 Nation website, you'll also find some books & products that many of the guys have found useful upon joining F3.